Casual Wicker Furniture -Rattan + Wood (Red)

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Casual Wicker Furniture

This Series of the braxton furniture we name Casual Wicker Furniture -Rattan+ wood (Red ) .

What the difference betweet the others? We tell you that just not only the color.

This series also made by the rattan poles/ webbing and the wood material. But the design of this series is much wonderful than others. The red color palecek chairs will be the main popular design use for the office, coffee shop,shopping center and restaurant decoration.

Identification of quality Casual Wicker Furniture

Red wood furniture looks trendy and gives the house or workplace a unique and distinctive appearance. No 1 Rattan Furniture manufactures wood furniture in three different colors to suit the taste and requirements of people from all walks of life. Although, we provide the finest quality of wood furniture, whether black, white or red, there are some aspects to distinguish between the low and high quality of wood furniture. Some of them are listed below:

  • Durability of the wood
  • The type of wood used
  • Outlook of the furniture
  • Robustness of the furniture
  • Joints of the furniture
  • Finish of the wood

Before purchasing any of the wooden furniture items, the above-mentioned things should always be checked. Even if you are a new buyer of wood and don’t know anything about this particular kind of furniture, ask nearby people who have been using wooden furniture for long or search internet for some useful tips to identify a good quality furniture.

Most inexperienced buyers get attracted by the outer look of the wooden furniture and don’t go for any details as to which bond solution has been used in the making of the furniture, which kind of wood has been used in the furniture, is it hard wood or soft wood, will the furniture last longer or not and how robust is the furniture that you are spending your money on.

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Reasons why red Casual Wicker Furniture is in trends

In a world where chemically treated wood and plastic serve only reminds us of how polluted planet earth is, No.1 Rattan Furniture’s Casual Wicker Furniture offers a means to stay ecologically friendly when these furniture items do not need constant attention against the dust and dirt, yet look urban, classic, and royal. Following are some of the reasons why red wooden furniture is in trends, nowadays.

  • Easy to clean
  • Give a distinctive outlook
  • Blend well with the décor
  • Unique design
  • Available in reasonable prices
  • Touch of versatility

Tips to preserve red Casual Wicker Furniture

Though furniture made of wood is famous for being tensile and durable, below are some tips to preserve the beauty and color of the red furniture for a long time:

  • Should not be directly exposed to sunlight
  • Should be dusted every other day
  • Water should be minimally used as it can cause permanent damage to wood
  • Should be polished every consecutive or alternate year
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